
Past webinar

Is NBA the answer for Excellence in Field Effectiveness and Experience?


Gonzalo Llerena

Gonzalo Llerena

Global Commercial Excellence Lead

Alexey Cherchago

Alexey Cherchago

SVP and Head Global Commercial Excellence

Jose Maria Guido Avila

José Ma. (Chema) Guido Avila

Customer Engagement Transformation Lead

During Covid Pharma generated huge amount of data in various data silos, which made a perfect playground for a proper AI implementation in commercial models. In particular a lot has been said about “Next-Best-Action” or NBA, which might help, substitute or improve the commercial effectiveness paradigm.

However, we are still not certain what NBA might do for us and what is its primary goal and objective, to incorporate that into the commercial teams and models. In this webinar, NEXT will leverage the possible use cases of proper AI/NBA alignment into commercial teams, and how that could lead to improving experiences.


Date: November 3, 2022
Time: 3.00 PM CET

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